All the slots are mostly the same and work the same way. You start off with something like 1.5k virtual cash which you can spend on slots. There are 25 different pay lines and you can buy them progressively. The reason why payouts are low you have to understand how the game works. The pay lines move from left to right and matches must be in consecutive order.
I tried this game out for about 20 minutes to half and hour. I was lucky and won up to 5k cash in my first few spins by betting large. But afterwards bet 5 on 25 lines and worked my bet down as I lost all the cash. Got to level 5. Whats very disappointing to me is how pointless the level system is. I thought it would improve winnings or chances of winning or at least reduce cool down on the free money from every minute. It does none of that, its just a number that keeps track of how much cash youve spent and gives you a few free spins.
A game with a nice leveling system is Clown Coins, I was expecting something like that.
All in all a very dull and pointless game. Theres no way to win and worst yet no reason to.
ledmage about Ace Slots Machine Casino II, v1.2